Jumat, 10 Juli 2009


Gw yakin lw semua tau huruf A yaitu adalah huruf peratama yang ada dalam urutan abjad (anda bisa liat di buku2 yang dijual abang2 pinggir jalan kalo belom yakin).

Tapi huruf A menurut gw adalah hal yang sangat berarti selain itu adalah huruf biasa, itu juga adalah huruf komponen utama dari "A&A" (maklum kalo kalian gak nyambung,hanya ada bebebrapa orang yang ngerti A&A)

A&A adalah sesuatu yang bikin semangat dalam hidup gw dari kelas 7, bahkan gw gak bisa bayangin gimana rasanya kalo A yang pertama sama A yang kedua pisah,gw bakal sedih terus dan gak punya semangat..
jadi gw akan jaga A&A untuk selamanya,forever...

From "A" who loves "A"..

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009


moonwalk michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos

gw yakin lw semua tau tentang MJ alias Michael Jackson yang sekarang udah passede away,gak ada orang yang perfect,MJ fenomenal tapi jugada kekurangannya,yaitu dia gak mensyukuri raga yang dikasih Allah,masa' udah jelas negro malah malu,pengen jadi bule,operasi terus yang ada malah jadi kayak bencong,lebih ngeri bencongnya dibanding Adhi(maaf buat ipan yang pacarnya Adhi).
Nah satu lagi yang ngetop dari MJ adalah gerakan "MOONWALK" yang dia ciptain ndiri.. (lw bisa liat contoh gerakannya diatas)

Nih gw kasih tau caranya MOONWALK(gw pake English,maap buat yang gak bisa English, iya2 gw emang copas)

Learn to Moonwalk

The moonwalk is a kind of an illusion and takes alot of practice. Below are the best Moonwalk instructions I could find so why not have some fun and give it a try .

Step 1. Find a pair of low grip shoes you could try to do it in your socks to start off with.

Step 2. Make sure that the ground you use to practise to moonwalk on is also not too grippy, try and find a polished floor.

Step 3. Stand with both feet close to each other, left foot slightly ahead of the right (toes of right should be in line with half the left foot)

Step 4. Now raise the heel of the right foot so that you are standing on the front of the right foot as if you are taking a step. The left foot must stay where it is (take care not to move it).

Step 5. As you lower the heel of the right foot, lean all your weight on the right foot, and drag back the left foot to so that its toes are in line with the heel of the right foot. The left foot's heel must be slightly off the ground at this stage. As you drag back, do not push down on the left foot at all or it will not glide. Make sure as you lower the heel of the right foot (slowly) the left moves at an equal speed. This will need lots of practice to master the right speed.

Step 6. Keep practicing up to the above steps until you can make the movement subconsciously without any difficulty.

Step 7. Once you have mastered that, "kick" outwards with the left foot, but although not quite touching the ground, make it look as if it is touching. Move it out a foot-size's worth away from the toes of the right. No part of the left foot should be raised higher than another.

Step 8. After you make your left foot move so it is at the starting position, lift up the heel once more of the right foot. Make sure the left leg is bent at the knee. Now repeat step 5. Keep practicing until you have the whole thing figured out, and it has been verified by others, and you feel quite comfortable with it. You should eventually get that gravity-defying effect and you'll MoonWalk like the pro.

Step 9. Once you've figured it out for the right leg bending, switch legs, and try the same with the other foot. Lift heel of left, lower left as you glide right back. Left still on the ground, throw out right foot, lift up heel of left foot, and once again drag right foot back as left heel is lowered.

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009


This is my task as the second remidial for ICT subject test. This tima I'll tell you about my favorite Football club, CHELSEA FC

Chelsea Football Club (pronounced , also known as The Blues or previously The Pensioners) are a professional English football club based in West London. The team, founded in 1905, plays in the Premier League and have spent most of their history in the top tier of English football. Chelsea have been English champions three times, and have won the FA Cup five times, the League Cup four times and the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup twice.
The club had their first major success in 1955, winning the league championship. Chelsea won several cup competitions during the 1960s and 1970s, but after that did not win another major title until 1997. The past decade has been the most successful period in Chelsea’s history, capped by winning consecutive Premier League titles in 2005 and 2006, and reaching their first UEFA Champions League final in 2008, losing to fellow English side Manchester United after extra time and penalties.
Chelsea's home is the 42,055 capacity Stamford Bridge football stadium in Fulham, West London, where they have played since their establishment. Despite their name, the club are based just outside the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. In 2003, they were bought by Russian oil magnate Roman Abramovich.
Chelsea's traditional kit colours are royal blue shirts and shorts with white socks. The club crest has been changed several times in attempts to modernise or re-brand; the current crest, featuring a ceremonial lion holding a staff, is a modified version of the one first adopted in the 1950s.[4] The club has sustained the fifth highest average all-time attendance in English football. Their average home gate for the 2008–09 season was 41,588, the sixth highest in the Premier League.

Senin, 27 April 2009

Sendal Quiksilver gw...

Waktu itu gw sama keluarga gw pergi ke Cibubur Junction,rencananya kakak gw mau beli tas sekolah baru..
Nah pas nyampe sana kakak gw langsung nyosor ke Planet Surf,nyokap gw mukanya langsung ungu ngeliat kakak gw kayaknya bakalan ngabisin duit banyak... SEMUA DI LUAR DUGAAN RENCANANYA IBU GW MAU BELANJA BIAR DAPET POIN TRUS NUKER KE TAS RANSEL BUAT KAKAK GW (miskin bgt ya),taunya kakak gw ke PLANET SURF???!!!
Nah,kakak gw beli tas Billabong harganya mahal,eh trus bokap gw ikut2 an,"iseng" katanya,dia beli jam tangan Ripcurl harganya muuuaaaahhaaalll bgt,gila bapak2 apa ABG (Anak Babi Gede) jamnya trendy bgt!
Eh,giliran gw bolehnya cuma beli,bayngin.... sendal jepit..... walaupun quiksilver tapi hati gw sakit banget, yang atu beli tas,atunya jam,eh gw sendal jepit....

Nah,pas sampe rumah gw liatin sendal gw... "Ini mah banyak tiruannya tuh gak keliatan asli..." Kakak gw ngomong dengan nyolotnya,gak ngerti gw lg sakit hati...
Eh pembantu gw tambah bilang "Kayaknya bagusan sendal Swallow dah!"
Gila,quiksilver disamain ama SWALLOW! Yang gocengan! Sendal yang gw ilangin mulu di masjid!
Gak ada hentinya dah sakit hati gw karena sendal quiksilver bejat ini... Blum pernah dipake udah bikin derita!

Rabu, 15 April 2009

SI IPAN (Posting Tambahan)

Gw punya temen namanya Ipan,die entah kenapa kayaknya adalah bayi kembar siam ama Sun Go Kong yang udah berhasil dipisahin.. bedanya si go kong bikin pilem sendiri si Ipan malah diliput ama Animal Planet..

Nah ada sifat die yang baru yang bikin gw agak merinding disko,die masang tampang kayak orang pedophilia,gw udah nyangka dari pose2 die yang suka vulgar2 gitu.. Gw sih tau dari dulu die nge fans bgt ma robot gedek (Kriminal Pedophil Indonesia) tapi gw g nyangka nular ke Ipan juga...

Die sering bgt ngeliat orang dgn pandangan gimanaaa gt (Khas Pedophil).. trus suka megang2 bokong lagi!! buset gw kalo dket die jd jalan kyk kepiting,miring terus g berani pamerin bokong ke die...

(JUST FOR MOSLEM!) Mbah Jambrong...

Hr ini sekolah gw kedatengan ponds beauty yang merupakan produk kecantikan adhi.. akhirnya saking BeTe nya,gw ama anak2 cwo yang laen pada balik ke kelas sambil berusaha keras ngehindarin Pak K yang mirip Doyok ntu..

Nah kejadian ini dimulai waktu gw dah ada di kelas,gw,faiz,ma hapis tiduran di kelas, tau2 si Dio nyamperin.. Entah there is what wind pembicaraan kita malah ke agama.. Gw udah punya feeling buruk nih kalo hapis ngomongin Agama brg orang yang bukan Islam..

Tengah2 ngobrol tau2 muncul pertanyaan

Hapis: Eh yo,si***U* lahir dimana sih??
Dio: Di kandang Domba
Gw: Di rumah sakit Dongo..
Firdan: Lw yang tolol tinggi
Hapis : Dukun beranak tau!!

Nah ini dia yang ekstrem banget..

Faiz: Iya,***U* lahir kan bidannya Mbah Jambrong!
Buset dah apa dia g sadar ada si Dio??!!

Denger kata2 itu mukanya dio udah kyk g berak setaun..

Faiz: Iya kan si mbah blg gini "Bu maria,anak ibu lahir dengan rambut yang gondrong bgt kayak Limbad dan kayaknya bakalan ngetop nih sedunia..."
Gw ketawa mulu ampe nyesek napas.. Di hati gw ada pertempuran antara rasa kasian gw ama Dio dan sifat gw yang suka ngatain juga... Dan yang kedua yang menang!!

Trus ampe pulang kata2 "mbah jambrong" jadi bahan olok2an si hapis mulu.....
Trus parahnya kata2 itu cepet bgt menyebar luas ke anak2 non muslim yang laen!

Once again SORRY FOR NON-MOSLEM who read this!

Selasa, 14 April 2009

hay! hari ini gw baru bikin blog gw yang pertama karena gw udah dapet requet khusus dari bapak presiden Faiz Kautsar... Tapi lama juga nih buatnya soalnya entah kenapa gw salah mulu pas masukin password yang mirip cacing najong itu!
Blog baru ini gw buat dengan senang hati karena gw udah pernah bikin blog juga tapi butuuutt abis! Mungkin karena gw buatnye di "W*** P****"(Gak boleh nyebut nama boss!!)..

Btw hari ini adalah hari kemerdekaan gw dari belenggu ibu gw yang nyuruh gw manteng di meja belajar melulu karena mid term test gw baru aja selesai!!
Gw tadinya pas pulang mau makan di BT (Bakmi Tanjakan) dulu.. Tapi tebengan gw si Dieno udah buru-buru mau pulang jadi ngikut aja daaahh... Udah dulu buat hari ini boss,cape' banget gw...! Bye,see you next time...

Oh iya jangan lupa kunjungin www.faizbutut.blogspot.com dijamin gak bakal nahan mulut lw buat gak ketawa! Blog nya presiden tuh!!